With each passing day, excitement for Avatar: The Way of Water has grown since 20th Century studios released the first trailer for James Cameron’s sci-fi sequel to 2009’s Avatar. Speaking of which – the first look’s debut earlier this Monday has received all but praises from fans of the original blockbuster over its stunning visuals. And some are even feeling nostalgic for the franchise’s return to the big screen after 13 years.
Avatar: The Way of Water’s debut trailer was first screened at CinemaCon 2022. While it seemed like it may take longer for the studio to make it public – the trailer was showcased exclusively with Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness in theatres. Its worldwide release has already amassed massive praise with Disney reporting the promo received 148.6 million views. Additionally, filmaholics on social media have been in awe analyzing the first footage for its attention to detail while others are in sheering excitement to dive into the world of Pandora. Readers can check it out below.
The nicest thing I can say about Avatar 2 is that’s such a pleasing shade of blue pic.twitter.com/iFwUsgo4rv
— Block A 🌙 (@ChildOfKhonshu) May 11, 2022
Blessing the timeline with the beautiful looking Avatar 2. pic.twitter.com/r7RwsFlbnz
— MoviesThatMaher (@MoviesThatMaher) May 11, 2022
Me in 2009 Me in 2022
watching Avatar watching Avatar 2 pic.twitter.com/aFJCRxRAbz— GameSpot (@GameSpot) May 9, 2022
Ah I see what Avatar 2 took so long to make because it probably took 6 months to render this shot. https://t.co/uikyMX8SB1
— James (@JamesEditsStuff) May 11, 2022
Yet six times a day I read about how no one is excited for Avatar 2. It’s almost like twitter isn’t real life. https://t.co/UHLEVpMZGZ
— T.S. Nowlin (@tsnowlin) May 11, 2022
avatar 2 is already sweeping worldwide and the movie hasn't even come out yet https://t.co/TFtQ1uZ3Z2
— jeremy. (@jeremylovesyall) May 11, 2022
I can't fucking wait for avatar 2 the first avatar was so ahead of its time I can't even imagine the graphics on the new one 😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫
— hannah $chmidt 🪸 (@hhannahschmidt) May 10, 2022
“I’m gonna watch Avatar 2 for the plot”
The Plot: pic.twitter.com/cdKuWN6CA3
— fernie (@roaring20y) May 10, 2022
Avatar 2 The Way of Water's trailer is finally on social media after only being shown in theatres and to say it looks stunning visually would be an understatement, I would love to live by Pandora's oceans🤩🌊! pic.twitter.com/iVoIHVySkz
— Harry Thomas (@HarryThomasPic) May 9, 2022
Avatar 2 looks to be the most earnestly sincere blockbuster we’ve gotten in a while
— Better Call Jared (@Name112a7) May 11, 2022
who said no one care about Avatar 2 again?😭 https://t.co/o81ZCq3G90
— Daffar 🤥🍥 (@daffar89) May 11, 2022
But, you know, “nO oNe CaReS aBoUt AvAtAr 2” https://t.co/7SwZwJLsFn
— Zoe Rose Bryant (@ZoeRoseBryant) May 11, 2022
seeing the Avatar 2 trailer made life worth living https://t.co/2byfCHfZiU
— yuretzy 💟 (@ssssheilaaa) May 11, 2022
Brainless Complainers+ Haters : The Vfx didn't even Developed, it looks same.
The "GOATED" VFX of Avatar 2 : pic.twitter.com/zWufsivp6B
— AM (@AM45077177) May 10, 2022
It should be noted movie buffs on Twitter are divided in their prediction for Cameron’s Avatar 2. Doubt lingers in many if the sequel could be a box office success as the first, which still holds the title for highest-grossing film ever raking in $2.847 billion worldwide. But the larger fandom seems sold since the official teaser introduced new Na’vi characters, exploring the never-before-seen side of Pandora and Sam Wellington‘s Jake and Zoe Saldaña’s Neytiri’s journey alongside their children and clan members.
Fast 9 trailer had more views in the first 24 hours than Avatar 2 and grossed 720 million. Ironically enough that film also performed in a decline to its predecessor. Again, Avatar 2 will most likely do “well”, but the trailer view count doesnt mean it will catch lightning again
— 大急ぎで行く (ScOoT) (@WeBuildMechs) May 11, 2022
Avatar 2 will also see the return of Don’t Breathe 2 star Stephen Lang as Miles Quaritch, Sigourney Weaver as Dr. Grace Augustine and Giovanni Ribisi as Parker Selfridge. Also starring is Kate Winslet as Ronal, Michelle Yeoh as Dr. Karina Mogue, Oona Chaplin as Varang, Jermaine Clement as Dr. Ian Garvin, Chloe Coleman as Young Lo’ak, Cliff Curtis as Tonowari and Edie Falco as General Frances Ardmore.
Avatar: The Way of Water hits theaters on December 16, 2022.