There seems to be no end to the promos for Across the Spider-Verse with the new international TV spot throwing the spotlight on Spider-Gwen (Hailee Steinfeld). The footage shows Earth-65’s wall-crawler unexpectedly referencing Mario Kart during her fight against the Medieval Vulture. The promotional clips also offer extended looks at The Spot goofing around while he’s confronted by Brooklyn’s one and only Spider-Man.
With a tracking of $70-$80 million domestic opening, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse’s box office looks to outperform the three-day earning of 2018’s Into the Spider-Verse. The prediction does not come as a surprise as Spidey fans’ enthusiasm continues to grow bigger with each brand-new teaser clip. The latest footage shared by Sony Pictures Singapore has Spider-Gwen fans particularly delighted for showcasing new shots of her fighting the Renaissance-Esque designed Vulture.
She also appears to break the fourth wall while gliding on the Vulture’s back to say, “Sorry, the only Italian I know is from Mario Kart.” The surprising namedrop has Nintendo fans sharing their delight for the Mario reference.
In another scene, Gwen’s interaction with Spider-Man 2099 has a humorous touch to it when she asks if he is “The Blue Panther”, perhaps a dig at the suit’s design. Aside from the big reveals, the extended promos show Miles chatting with Margo Kess aka Spider-Bye of Earth-22191. Readers can check it out below.
The teaser titled “Elite” shows Miles requesting Gwen to be a part of Miguel O’Hara’s “really small strike force” (as Spider-Gwen puts it). The Brooklyn city Spidey goes on to name some of his unique features as a convincing factor, “I can turn invisible, I have like electric powers” to which she says, “I’ll put in a word”. Clearly, it’s a decision Miles soon regrets when Spider-Man 2099’s Spider-People army goes after him.
One scene from the teaser reveals Miguel O’Hara nagging about the dangers of the multiverse to Peter B. Parker to which he hilariously replies, “You say “the fate of the multiverse” and my brain dies.” Interestingly, it’s been stated Oscar Isaac‘s character is the only Spidey that doesn’t have a sense of humor (that explains his menacing nature). All in all, the international promos continue to show Miles fighting The Spot and in the latest teaser, audiences are introduced to more of his weird abilities which also impacts his surrounding.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse will crawl into theaters on June 2, 2023.