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Ant-Man And The Wasp: Evangeline Lilly On Reprising The Wasp In MCU

Still of Evangeline Lilly as the Wasp from Ant-man and the Wasp/ Marvel Studios

Ant-Man And The Wasp: Evangeline Lilly On Reprising The Wasp In MCU

Now that Evangeline Lilly’s Ant-Man and the Wasp is inching closer to its release, the actress has already shown her interest in playing more of The Wasp in future Marvel movies.

During an interview with ComicBook, Lilly expressed her excitement for Ant-Man and the Wasp and also revealed that she would be more than interested to portray The Wasp again in future Marvel movies. When Lilly was asked about when fans can expect to see more of The Wasp on the big screen, she said she is also seeking an answer to the same question.

I have been thinking the exact same thing, and now that it’s finally done and dusted, now that I’ve seen the movie and I can kind of, ‘Whew,’ like, ‘I did it. It’s over,'” Lilly said. “Now, the immediate question is when do I get to do it again?

While at this point of time the actress is not sure of when or how she will next appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she did reveal her interest in showing up in an all-female Marvel movie.

Dude, there’s talk of an all-ladies MCU movie amongst the MCU ladies,” Lilly said. “We would love to do that, and I think we should all put as much pressure as possible on [Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige] to make that happen.”

Lilly debuted as Hope van Dyne in 2015’s Ant-Man. but the original movie hinted her upcoming appearance as the Wasp by revealing her suit in a post credit scene.  Later this week, fans will get to see her as a lead character in Ant-Man And The Wasp.

Ant-Man and the Wasp will focus on Scott Lang a.k.a. Ant-Man and Hope van Dyne a.k.a. the Wasp who will head on a mission to rescue the original Wasp, Janet van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer) from the Quantum Realm.

Ant-Man and the Wasp is rolling out in theatres on July 6th.

Would you like to see Evangeline Lilly’s Wasp in an all-female Marvel movie? Let us know your views in the comments section below.

Source: ComicBook




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