DC fans have a lot of expectations from the upcoming Aquaman. Thankfully, the early reactions pouring in from members of the press, who recently got a chance to watch the film, suggests all is good with the DC film.
Usually, when the filmmakers have complete faith in their film, they lift the social media embargo on the film way earlier than anticipated. WB has done the same by lifting the social media embargo on Aquaman allowing press who attended the early screenings of the film to share their thoughts online.
The first wave of reactions for the film is all highly positive, calling out the James Wan DCEU film as an absolute blast, visually incredible, and breathtakingly beautiful. Some even compared the film with Marvel films, but in a good way.
Jason Momoa’s portrayal of the DC underwater superhero has been highly appreciated. One of the reviewers even called him as the newly crowned King of the DCEU. All in all, the early reviews are pointing to the film reaching up there with Wonder Woman upon release rather than pinned alongside the likes of Suicide Squad and Justice League.
You can check out the early Aquaman reactions in the tweets below.
In related news, the film studio has released a new banner for the film, which features Momoa’s Arthur Curry poking his head up out of the water, while holding his trident and making the hang loose sign with his hand.
Momoa has also posted a new YouTube video sharing his experience of promoting his film in China. The video offers a glimpse of the press events the Aquaman actor attended with fans, including some dressed up as the underwater superhero. The next press tour will be held in the U.K.
Aquaman is set to release in the US theaters on December 21, 2018.
Are you excited about the film’s release? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
#Aquaman is AWESOME & absolutely delivers! Not only is @prideofgyypsies the King of Atlantis, but also the newly crowned King of the DCEU! 🔱👑 I can't wait to see it again! pic.twitter.com/boVAKdcNIA
— Umberto Gonzalez (@elmayimbe) November 26, 2018
I can finally share some brief thoughts on #Aquaman. Can't mention plot or technical stuff, so I'll just say that Jason Mamoa is charismatic as hell in the lead and the film gives off a fun fantasy vibe 👌 Doubt anyone will mock Aquaman for talking to fish after this comes out. pic.twitter.com/EFpPJ3enmq
— Nick Kazden (@ricknazden) November 26, 2018
#Aquaman is the best DC movie since The Dark Knight.@creepypuppet delivers a swashbuckling epic full of big emotion, gorgeous undersea visuals, exciting action, and lots of laughs.
WB should be handing the DCEU reins to James Wan, he's proven he can, ahem, right the ship. pic.twitter.com/4hjxdmNLDf
— Tom Jorgensen (@Tom_Jorgensen) November 26, 2018
Aquaman is a breathtakingly beautiful, weird, badass, FUN idea of a modern superhero fantasy (anime) and makes zero apologies. Second half's one cheer/laugh after another.
Imagine '80s Schwarzenegger starring in "Hideo Kojima's AVATAR" and you're most of the way there. #Aquaman pic.twitter.com/nmZYjcUm5q
— Andrew Dyce (@andrewbdyce) November 26, 2018
Short & sweet reaction to #Aquaman is that I loved it. It’s a comic book movie through & through with great action, iconic moments & visual spectacle to spare. Momoa makes the character his own & Wan honors the traditional aspects, but elevates it to the modern era. It’s a blast.
— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) November 26, 2018
#Aquaman is an epic fantasy adventure on the high seas! It’s packed with thrilling action in a dazzling underwater world like nothing I’ve ever seen in superhero movies, or anywhere else. I had a total blast watching this movie & so will you. See it on the biggest screen you can! pic.twitter.com/uRWXDTE48K
— Sean Gerber (@MrSeanGerber) November 26, 2018
Chalk up a big, wet win for DC. @creepypuppet’s #Aquaman is an epic, swing-for-the-fences adventure that plunges fans into incredibly creative worlds. Goofy in spots, but it's rollicking fun. See it on the biggest screen possible! pic.twitter.com/ahODJ4mJAI
— Sean O'Connell (@Sean_OConnell) November 26, 2018
Excited I can now say how much I enjoyed #Aquaman! It's a cool adventure built on some tremendous action sequences and set pieces, with a great hero arc/performance from Jason Momoa as the glue. There's fun world building, and it looks wonderful. A great step for the DCEU. pic.twitter.com/Z5iPdilMIR
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) November 26, 2018
#Aquaman was an absolute blast, from the charm of Momoa's Arthur Curry, to the spectacular visuals to the fun that it was clear that everyone was having. It was exactly what I was hoping for and I can't wait to see it again! I'll give you more details when I'm allowed! pic.twitter.com/FyeczAJJIJ
— Jenna Busch (@JennaBusch) November 26, 2018
🔱 #Aquaman is better than expected. Feels like a Marvel phase one movie, in a good way. It’s at its best when it’s having fun and not taking itself too seriously. Black Manta is great villain that comic book fans will love. Some truly spectacular one shots and good action. pic.twitter.com/aTnc1QWk66
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) November 26, 2018
#Aquaman is the most ambitious DC movie to date — a big, sprawling visual spectacle that is gorgeous, crazy, stuffed with terrific action, and a lot of fun to watch. James Wan, in my opinion, is the true star – he elevates the material, makes it entertaining and conquers it. pic.twitter.com/gDFjiAWICA
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) November 26, 2018
There were moments where I felt #Aquaman might be running a little long but it has SO much to unpack in building its own isolated world.
Huge, epic, unique, and stylish action-sequences balance the heavy exposition.
Movie isn't out yet but I want more from Wan, Momoa, & co.
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) November 26, 2018