Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War has been smashing several box office records and also broke the $2billion mark. The craze for the film among fans is still going strong even after closing in nearly two months since its release. The studio is also doing a fine job in not letting the Infinity War fever fade away as they continue to release new behind-the-scenes pictures from the movie.
A new Avengers: Infinity War BTS picture has been spotted online on Reddit which shows actors Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark/Iron Man) and Josh Brolin (Thanos) sharing a laugh on the set of Thanos’ homeworld Titan.
The BTS picture in question shows both Downey Jr. and Brolin in their mo-cap suits and smiling wide as they point to the camera. The picture seems to have been taken while shooting the massive battle sequence on Titan.
We also found a new video which breaks down the VFX of the fight that took place on Titan. Fans can check it out below.
A few days back another behind-the-scenes photo from Avengers: Infinity War popped up online. The picture showcased the film’s directors Joe and Anthony Russo discussing a shot with Captain America (Chris Evans) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) smiling and looking at what may be a scene that was just shot.
A third Avengers: Infinity War on-set picture featured Tom Holland decked out in full motion-capture gear standing along with Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark on Ebony Maw’s Q-shaped ship.
You can check out the BTS pictures below.
Now that almost all of us know what really happened at the end of the film, comic artists have resorted to depicting the aftermath of Avengers: Infinity War through their very own comic illustrations. Artist BossLogic recently posted a new artwork that shows an emotional Rocket Raccoon planting Groot’s ashes into a flower pot in hopes of growing him back.
Artist Stephen Byrne imagined what may have happened to the surviving Avengers after the Mad Titan’s snap and depicted it in his illustration. The artwork showcased Shuri getting emotional when she gets to know that her brother, T’Challa/Black Panther, disappeared into dust at the end of Avengers: Infinity War.
Avengers: Infinity War is currently in theatres.
Robert Downey Jr. & Josh Brolin at the set of Infinity War from marvelstudios
Via: Reddit