In Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos’ main aim behind obtaining the Infinity Gauntlet was to save the universe by killing half of the population and saving available resources for the remaining half. The Mad Titan suggested the same idea while his home planet Titan was plagued by extreme situations. Unfortunately, he was exiled for suggesting the idea and he failed to do anything to save his planet from extinction.
While nothing much about Thanos’ backstory has been shown or explained in Infinity War, Marvel’s young adult novel, Thanos: Titan Consumed is finally with at least some of the answers. The novel by Barry Lyga throw light on the story of Thanos in his early years and explains more about the circumstances that led to Titan’s downfall.
In the novel, when Thanos realized that the planet was destined to fail, he conveyed the information to his father who did not take it seriously. But Thanos did not stop there. After being turned away by his father, he shared his findings with the rest of the planet and his plans to eliminate half of the planet’s population, which caused panic among the people and resulted in riots, massive suicides, and complete chaos. Blamed for causing the mass panic, Thanos was exiled from the planet.
As the people of Titan ignored Thanos’ warning and didn’t take any measures to overcome the situation, the planet fell into despair, and its population eventually died off. The Mad Titan will next appear in the upcoming Avengers 4, which is set to arrive in theaters on May 3, 2019. It remains to be seen if Thanos back-story will be revealed in the film.
The first Avengers 4 trailer as expected was released on this Friday and it currently holds the title for most watched video in 24 hours on Youtube. You can check it out below.
Via: Heroic Hollywood