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Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 Production Pushed To 2021, Working Title Revealed

Still of Guardians of the Galaxy from Avengers Infinity War trailer/ Marvel Studios

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 Production Pushed To 2021, Working Title Revealed

It looks like Disney/Marvel Studios is in no hurry to replace James Gunn and get Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 project in production. The studio seems to have decided to put the threequel project on the backburner and concentrate on other MCU films.

A new listings report coming off from Production Weekly reveals that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 production status is set for February 2021. As expected, the director role remains unfilled but James Gunn’s name is listed under the writer credit. Though delayed the project already has a working title and it is “Hot Christmas”.

Earlier in September, Sean Gunn who plays as the on-set stand-in for Rocket assured that Disney still intends to make the movie and that James Gunn’s script will be used.

It is most likely that the studio found it hard to find a quick replacement and get the cameras rolling with a slight delay from their last set filming start date. That may be why the project has been pushed back further, to assure that the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise gets the good ending it deserves.

Actor Bradley Cooper who does the voice over for Rocket was also approached with the idea of replacing Gunn. But he was quick to shoot it down pointing to a valid reason.

I could never direct anything that I didn’t write,” Cooper said. “No, I could never direct anything that I didn’t write.”

Even the Ghostbuster director had a similar opinion and said that he would never “take anything away from another filmmaker.

Many directors would feel the same. So it seems to be the right strategy to push the project back and put it on hold indefinitely till they find a suitable candidate to helm Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

Dave Bautista is still listed in the cast thought he has hinted on several occasion that he might not return to play the role of Drax. The actor has made his intention clear that he isn’t happy about being part of the film without Gunn.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 does not have a release date assigned yet.

Source: Production Weekly




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