Hawkeye may be an ex-Avenger enjoying retirement but it seems like the Archer still has connections with other existing Avengers such as Ant-Man. Added, it seems the superhero even without any special abilities has some tricks up his sleeve thanks to Hank Pym (Michael Douglas).
Warning: Article contains spoiler to Hawkeye episode 3
The recently released Hawkeye episode 3 goes a step beyond to indicate Clint Barton’s (Jeremy Renner) quiver of trick arrows has a lot more than just bombarding elements. A particular scene shows the archer shooting a Blue Pym Particle-infused arrowhead with the ability to enlarge bigger than a Cantilever bridge. The long sequence has Clint Barton and Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) being chased by the tracksuit mafia.
As explained by Hank Pym in the first Ant-Man movie, the blue Pym Particles enhance the sizes of an object while the red shrinks mass. Marvel is known for including fun little Easter eggs for eagle-eyed fans to spot but this particular reference goes beyond just a hint rather it confirms Hawkeye still has connections with Ant-Man or even better, Hank Pym.
The surprising reference has many thrilled with some wondering if the Goliath-sized arrow would return back to its normal size. Readers can check some of the reactions below.
I SCREAMED! This is so cool 😆#Hawkeye pic.twitter.com/qTTbovhNbN
— Fandom Crunch is in love with Hawkeye 🏹 (@FandomCrunch) December 1, 2021
//#Hawkeye spoilers//
A PYM PARTICLE ARROW??!! THAT IS SO COOLLLL pic.twitter.com/0bmVxj6v0y— nic 〄 (@skyezorel) December 1, 2021
HAWKEYE SPOILERS #Hawkeye #HawkeyeSeries #KateBishop
WOAH WAIT CLINT USING PYM’S TECH TO MAKE THE ARROW BIGGER WAS SO COOL pic.twitter.com/aniZHqINjE— Trisha ⧗ saw nwh! (@waltersndanvers) December 1, 2021
#HawkeyeSeries #Hawkeye
spoilers for episode 3 of hawkeye
COME ON! HANK PYM ARROW!? that was one of the coolest scenes pic.twitter.com/xgzIeujnhE— ً natalie 🧃🐛 (@ahsokasmainhoe) December 1, 2021
To jog some memory, fans would remember Hank Pym in 2015’s Ant-Man and 2018’s Ant-Man and the Wasp disapproving of sharing the secrets to producing the Pym Particles. Furthermore, Hank’s hatred towards the stark pushed away any chance of the Avengers using the particles before Avengers: Endgame. It will be interesting to learn how Hank Pym had a change of heart to share Pym Particles with Clint Barton, an ex-Avenger. Or the better answer could be Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) is behind it.
What more trick arrows could Hawkeye have in store? New episodes of Hawkeye releases every Wednesday so fans can hope to learn more in the coming weeks.