It looks like Ant-Man’s Pym particle won’t be only the reference from the MCU in Hawkeye as the final episode teases the use of STARK tech in a new trailer. Hawkeye episode 6, the season finale is days away from its release on Disney Plus and Marvel Studios has released a new teaser clip offering a glimpse of what lies ahead for Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) and Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) as they face off against Kingpin (Vincent D’onofrio).
It’s unclear if the teaser’s reference to STARK technology will be an Arrowhead used by Hawkeye. The previous shot shows Clint creating new Arrowheads sp it will be interesting to see what new skills will be showcased by the two archers. Readers can check out the trailer titled “The Boss” below.
Next Wednesday will be a treat for Marvel fans as the Hawkeye finale is expected to unravel Armand’s murder and the criminal conspiracy that Yelanor Bishop (Vera Farmiga) is involved in. But that won’t be all since Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh) is also out for blood, blaming Barton for Natasha’s death. And let’s not forget Maya Lopez (Alaqua Cox) who’s also after Clint for killing her Father as Ronin.
Also Read: Hawkeye episode 5 reveals what happened to Yelena after Black Widow
“This Wednesday, the marvel universe is about to get a lot bigger,” as the voiceover in the trailer hints, fans are hoping to find out if Wilson Fisk is a new version played by Donoforio for the MCU or is he the Kingpin that fans knew from the Daredevil Netflix series.
The directors of the show have confirmed Hawkeye episode 6 will address if Kingpin is MCU canon. “Tune in on Wednesday for Episode 6,” said Bertie speaking to Insider. When asked if Fisk is the new owner of the Avengers tower, Bertie responded saying: “Keep the theories going. We love every single one and we love avoiding every single question about it.”
Hawkeye episode 5 ending revealed Eleanor is the culprit and is in business with the big guy. Furthermore, it was Kate’s mother who hired the white widow to kill Clint. All will be answered in the final Hawkeye episode airing next Wednesday.