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House of the Dragon episode 10, HBO, Game of Thrones, Vhagar, Aemond, Rhaenyra, Lucerys, Arrax, HOTD finale

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House of the Dragon episode 10 fans react to Aemond’s Vhagar killing Lucerys & Arrax in HOTD finale, Queen Rhaenyra’s loss, Daemon sings to Vermithor, Corlys returns & more

House of the Dragon episode 10 fans react to Aemond’s Vhagar killing Lucerys & Arrax in HOTD finale, Queen Rhaenyra’s loss, Daemon sings to Vermithor, Corlys returns & more

The Greens have fired the first shot in House of the Dragon episode 10 and it begins with Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) & an uncontrollable Vhagar cruelly killing Lucerys (Elliot Grihault) and Arrax at Storm’s End. Whereas Daemon reaches out to Vermithor, the famed untamed dragon rode by King Jaehaerys, to prepare for the war against Aegon Targaryen (Tom Glynn-Carney) and the Hightowers. Though the harrowing curveball in the House of the Dragon finale was initially stacked against the true heir of the Iron Throne — Queen Rhaenyra’s legitimacy grows stronger with the return of Lord of Corlys (Steve Toussaint) of Driftmark. Here’s a recap of the best moments from the emotional gut punch of a finale episode, “The Black Queen” that’s got many fans voicing their thoughts on social media. 

 As King Aerys II Targaryen once said, “Burn them all”, that seems to be the sentiment from Rhaenyra supporters for Alicent’s side after experiencing House of the Dragon episode 10. Dragons are rarely hated by HOTD and GOT viewers but the House of the Dragon finale has left many bitter after Vhagar ruthlessly killed Arrax and Lucerys. But can’t say they weren’t warned as Viserys the peaceful once said: “The idea that we control the dragons is an illusion.” 

It can be argued that Rhaneyra’s battle began right from the start of House of the Dragon episode 10 as she goes through premature childbirth, resulting in the baby’s demise. Was it prompted by Rhaenys’ message of Viserys’ (Paddy Considine) death and Aegon’s crowing? It’s conceivable. But Daemon seems blinded by wrath & his own presumption that his brother, Viserys was murdered. Even before Rhaenyra’s command, Daemon prepares to gather allies such as Lords Darklyn, Masseys, Bar Emmon and Lord Tully of the Riverlands.

Daemon with Caraxes is quick to test out the loyalty of his White cloak Knightsguard, making them swear a new oath to Rhaenyra as their Queen and to Prince Jacaerys as the heir to the Iron Throne. 

Fans are emotional as House of the Dragon episode 10 kills off Rhaenyra’s son

While House of the Dragon episode 10 highlighted the Targaryen’s inability to truly control Dragons — it also briefly shows the true bonding of a dragon rider to their drogon when Rhaenyra struggles her childbirth and her pain seems to be felt by Syrax. Speaking of bonds and loyalty, Ser Erryk Cargyll (Elliott Tittensor) was a breath of fresh air for all the Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel) haters. The brave Knight not only rescued Rhaenys but also manages to steal Viserys crown to place it on Rhaenyra. Meanwhile, the ‘Queen who never was’ continues to slay with her tranquil presence. Readers can check out reactions below.

Rhaenys seems to be the only level-headed royalty in all of Westeros so far and seeing Rhaenyra’s hesitance to jump into battle wins her support as well as Driftmark’s (Stepstones is a bonus). That and the fact that Lucerys and Jacerys are wedded to Baela and Rhaena.

Of all the cinematic shots in House of the Dragon season 1, the finale deserves to the winner with such breathtaking landscape shots of Storm’s End, the worm’s eye view of Vhagar and Arrax and the glowing map table of Westeros (certainly one-ups the Rings of Power opening intro).   

The parallels to House of the Dragon episode 2 were a brilliant reminder of how the tides have changed in the finale. Otto Hightower (Rhys Ifans) is yet again at Dragonstone with the Kingsguard facing Daemon but this time, it’s not Viserys’ brother that’s a threat to King’s Landing but rather Rhaenyra. Once again, bloodshed is averted thanks to the true heir’s calmness and her friendship with Alicent. But it’s thrown out the window with Lucerys death. 

Rhaenyra’s pain is felt in the ending shot of House of the Dragon episode 10, a moment that can only be compared to the Mad Queen, Daenerys wrath in the Game of Thrones finale. Nonetheless, the larger HOTD fandom is standing allied with the Blacks and has given the thumbs-up to any of the war crimes initiated by Rhenayra to take over King’s Landing. 

Sadly, to witness Rhaenyra’s wrath against the Greens, HOTD fans will have to wait for at most two years for House of the Dragon season 2. Filming is expected to begin in 2023 in Spain so expect a premiere date set for sometime in 2024.




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