Earlier this week, Justice League actor Joe Morton had a chat with Comic Book Movie about his character’s role and shared some insight on Cyborg. For those unaware, Morton plays as Dr. Silas Stone, a scientist who works at S.T.A.R. Labs and father to Victor Stone in DC Cinematic Universe.
During his interview, Morton was asked if whether Cyborg (played by Ray Fisher) still holds resentment towards his father for transforming him into a cybernetic organism. Here’s what he had to say.
“Yeah, some of that still exists in the film where Victor sort of feels like, ’yes you saved my life, but look what you made me look like,” said Morton. “I can’t go out and be a regular person.’ He has no alias, nothing to hide behind. So what I think is great about that idea is you begin, in a metaphoric way, sort of talking about what it means to be “the other” in society. Even if you have something tremendous to contribute to society, the first thing that most social situations will do is ostracize you because you look different because they don’t know who or what you are. So I think that’s a big deal in this film for that character, and for Silas, and makes for interesting film making.”
Morton was also asked about the standalone Cyborg movie that was green lit back in October 2014. Since then, Warner Bros. has made no announcements regarding the film’s release date or its start of production. Recently during this year SDCC, the studio once again disappointed fans by excluding the film from its slate of announcements. Fortunately, it looks like the movie is still in works.
“As far as I know it is still happening,” he said. “I believe, although I’m not entirely sure, that it should start sometime around 2020. That seems to be a wonderful metaphoric year for these Cyborgs,” he joked.
While Morton plays a supporting character in Justice League, the actor’s role is still a main priority as part of Cyborg’s back story. The necessity of Silas Stone has led the actor to sign on for multiple appearances similar to the other actors.
“It was set up as a three picture deal. The first being Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice, the second one being Justice League and the third one being the Cyborg film. So that’s how it’s been set up, but it’s all contingent on how these movies do. And so far, Wonder Woman did really well, and we’re hoping that Justice League does equally as well.
Justice League hits theatres on November 17th, 2017. Fans can hope to learn about Cyborg from Ray Fisher during his appearance at this year’s Asiapop Comic-Con 2017.
Source: Comic Book Movie