Everyone knows the events in Batman v Superman inspired the Dark Knight to recruit a team of metas and fight a threat from another world in Justice League. But new details have revealed that the upcoming film also takes off right from the ending graveyard scene from BvS.
The scoop was found by Cosmic Book News in Total Film magazine’s recent issue. The feature piece on Justice League had conversations with cast members such as Jason Momoa, Ben Affleck and Ezra Miller. Adding to that, it also contained details on how the upcoming film uses a scene from Batman v Superman to connect events as a direct sequel.
According to the article, Justice League begins by showing us the graveyard scene from Batman v Superman. As The Man of Steel lays inside in ground recovering from his deadly wounds with Doomsday, The Batman and Wonder Woman head on to recruit Aquaman, The Flash and Cyborg to face the incoming threat from Apokolips.
This confirms that Justice League is a direct sequel to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. However, to many fans, this would be old news.
Earlier in Batman v Superman, a scene at 1:35:05 shows Diana Prince scrolling through news reports on CNN. A headline on the left suggested that the film would be a direct sequel to Justice League.
Batman v Superman represented a gritty and dark version of its finest superheroes. However, those events have refueled The Batman with optimism and hope in the upcoming film.
Justice League hits theatres on November 17th this year. Currently, the film is in the process of additional photography under Director Joss Whedon.
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