A year ago, the DCEU fandom had some hope for the Man of Steel 2 project as Kingsman Director Mathew Vaughn was rumored to have been in early negotiations with Warner Bros. to direct the sequel. but it seems like that hope has also crumbled into pieces as the director recently confirmed that the second installment of the Superman film won’t be happening.
During an interview with Polygon for Rocketman, in which Vaughn served as producer, he was questioned regarding his involvement with Man of Steel 2. Unfortunately, Vaughn stated that the sequel project was “officially” no longer happening. This also serves as another reaffirmation to report that Henry Cavill’s version of Superman is currently not part of Warner Bros. plans for its future DC films.
Vaughn’s proposed trilogy would have surprised a lot of fans as the director intended to explore a prequel/origin-type story of Krypton with the first film and in turn also introduce Superman in his home planet rather than Earth. Here’s how it goes:
“Vaughn revealed that the first film in the proposed trilogy was meant to take place almost entirely on Krypton, and focus on Jor-El and the impending explosion of Krypton. Though the alien planet would still face destruction, Vaughn and Millar’s take would have the event take place much later in the timeline, allowing Superman to grow up on his home planet and gradually become familiar with Earth, maturing into an adult before having to reckon with his loyalty to both planets.”
Back in 2008, even before the Man of Steel–Vaughn and comic book writer Mark Miller had pitched a Superman film to the studio which failed to go past the early stages.
In 2017, Miller also stated that it still might be possible for the studio to get Vaughn onboard the project. but it seems like that won’t be happening. However, it doesn’t mean the director wouldn’t jump on if offered another chance. “It’d be hard to say no,” he said, of being offered the opportunity to helm a new Superman film.
It is currently unknown if the studio plans on making a Man of Steel 2 project anytime in the near future. Moreover, it seems more likely that fans would get to see a Supergirl film prior to it.
Source: Polygon