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Mark Hamill & Chris Evans Tweet Over Lightsaber vs. Captain America Shield

Chris Evans as Captain America

Mark Hamill & Chris Evans Tweet Over Lightsaber vs. Captain America Shield

The one question that’s currently trending on social media is if a lightsaber from the Star Wars universe can cut through the vibranium shield used by Captain America.  Actors Chris Evans and Mark Hamill who portray the iconic characters of Captain America and Luke Skywalker respectively tried to answer the same question on Wednesday night.

The debate between Star Wars and Marvel fans ignited on Twitter when a user posted a picture of a toy Star Wars lightsaber alongside a Captain America toy shield with a question written on a sticky note that read, “My son just asked the toughest question that I’ve ever had to answer as a father… ‘Can a lightsaber cut through Captain America’s shield?'”

The post also tagged Evans and Hamill to know their answers to the question. The Star Wars actor was the first to join the debate. He began by admitting that the lightsaber cannot cut through the shield in the Marvel Universe. Hamill added that Luke Skywalker would never fight a fellow hero, however, if he is asked to do so in the Star Wars Universe, his lightsaber has the power to cut Captain America’s signature shield into million little pieces.

In the #MarvelUniverse- NO In the #StarWarsUniverse- Luke wouldn’t fight a hero, but if asked to do so, he could cut it into a million little pieces,” Hamill wrote on Twitter.

Replying to Hamill’s tweet, Evans aka Marvel’s Captain America said that it’s foolish to think that lightsaber could ever cut the shield into pieces as the shield is made up of vibranium which is the strongest material in the Marvel Universe. The actor added that he would rather use vibranium ninja stars against the lightsaber.

Foolish,” he responded on Twitter. “Now I have vibranium ninja stars.”

It is for sure that Luke Skywalker vs. Captain America debate would continue to go on until both characters battle each other on the big screen.

Do you think a lightsaber can actually cut Captain America’s shield? Let us know your answers in the comments section below.

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