Spider-Man: No Way Home box office earnings look very promising as Sony made MCU title debuts at a whopping $254 million opening. Yet it’s still too soon to put a period on the numbers as a new report reveals the Tom Holland starrer blockbuster could surpass Avengers: Infinity War’s opening weekend record.
Spider-Man: No Way Home is out in theatres in major regions with huge Marvel fandoms such as the UK, India, US, Brazil, etc. Early predictions estimated a $200M plus box office earnings based on the MCU title’s release strategy. The movie will continue to release in a few more countries like Thailand, post-Christmas on 23 December and in Norway as late as January 14. No doubt, the movie is on road to breaking several pandemic-era box office numbers. Added, a new update from Deadline says Spider-Man: No Way Home opening estimates stand at $257.64-$260.6M.
Spider-Man: No Way Home BO earnings surpasses Far From Home’s July 4th release earnings
If so, No Way Home stands inches away from surpassing Infinity War’s record of $257.698M. The trade website is awaiting an update from Sony, nevertheless, the Marvel film has already entered the big buck earning zone with earnings of $587.2M worldwide so far, currently the third biggest global opener of all time. Furthermore, it’s commendable that the third installment from director Jon Watts has entered the 500M club without debuting in China.
Surprisingly, pre-pandemic 2019’s Spider-Man: Far From Home box office opening pales in comparison to No Way Home with just a $185M earning, especially since the sequel’s release window was set around the July 4th holiday. Though, MCU’s third Spider-Man title arguably had Avengers level stakes and ensemble so it’s understandable.
It will be fascinating to see Spider-Man: No Way Home attracting larger numbers starting Christmas Eve, and could possibly be the first 1$ billion earners in the pandemic era, added the hype doesn’t die down. Spider-Man: No Way Home is out in theatres