The verdict is out on Gareth Edwards‘ The Creator movie and critics are raving over it as a massive feat for the sci-fi genre. From taking inspiration from Hollywood’s finest such as Steven Spielberg‘s A.I. Artificial Intelligence to encapsulating elements from 80s’ anime like Akira or at least according to the critics that were present for the premiere, the upcoming film from Disney’s 20th Century Studios is being touted as the best entry of 2023.
For some sci-fi movie lovers, The Creator movie might share parallels to Terminator 2, Alien and even the Star Wars franchise. With Edwards coming off from directing Rogue One in 2016 – it wouldn’t come as a surprise. After a 7 year break, the filmmaker’s latest feature on humanity’s war against A.I. could be the start of a new “visionary universe” as critic Anthony puts it – who also made a comparison to the critically acclaimed Akira and Spielberg’s A.I. Intelligence as aforementioned.
While John David Washington‘s role has a strong presence throughout the movie, critic Griffin Schiller feels Madeleine Yuna Voyles‘ performance deserves praise as well while speaking highly of her “heartfelt dynamic” with the titular star. Screen Rant’s Joseph Deckelmeier went as far as suggesting she should be in the conversation for an Oscar nomination.
Another well-known critic, Brandon Davis compared The Creator movie to the likes of Ex Machina meeting Rogue One with “shades of District 9“. In fact, some pundits also made comparisons to Neill Blomkamp‘s sci-fi after witnessing the 20-minute IMAX screening.
#TheCreator encapsulates the spirit of 80's Anime and translates it into MESMERIZING live-action cinema. Think Akira meets Spielbergs A.I. While the lore can be dense, the STUNNING VISUALS & IMMERSIVE ATMOSPHERE have me eager for more tales from this VISIONARY UNIVERSE.
— Anthony • The Movie Podcast (@AJGaliardi) September 19, 2023
I really admire the scale and behind-the-scenes production of THE CREATOR. But flawed execution renders it a disappointingly typical sci-fi action film. Impressive VFX. A shockingly unmemorable Hans Zimmer score. Madeleine Yuna Voyles is a wonderful find & the heart of the movie.
— Matt Neglia @NYFF (@NextBestPicture) September 19, 2023
Gareth Edwards doesn't miss with The Creator. The movie takes place alongside Terminator 2, Alien, and Star Wars as absolute smashing examples of how sci-fi can parallel our world. It's easily among the best films of the year. #TheCreatorMovie #TheCreator
— Hunter Bolding (@HunterBVideo) September 19, 2023
#TheCreator is like Ex Machina meeting Rogue One and maybe even adding in shades of District 9.
I love all those movies and I love this one.
— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) September 19, 2023
#TheCreator is a MASTERFUL piece of original sci-fi. Gareth Edwards is one of our GREAT filmmakers. A soulful, nuanced, Lucas-like interrogation of human beliefs/biases & our insecurity in the face of something greater. Spectacle & heart to the highest order. Pure cinema baby!
— Griffin Schiller (@griffschiller) September 19, 2023
Gareth Edwards doesn't miss with The Creator. The movie takes place alongside Terminator 2, Alien, and Star Wars as absolute smashing examples of how sci-fi can parallel our world. It's easily among the best films of the year. #TheCreatorMovie #TheCreator
— Hunter Bolding (@HunterBVideo) September 19, 2023
#TheCreator is a bold, fun, sci-fi delight. It has an engrossing story, gorgeous visuals, resonant themes, & epic action. My main problem is it didn't make me cry. It tries. VERY hard. But a tiny lack of connection means it *JUST* misses being a perfect package. But only *just.*
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) September 19, 2023
Garett Edwards’ #TheCreator has plenty of great ideas, but ultimately left me a little conflicted. There’s this beautiful Lone Wolf and Cub and Rain Man dynamic but it’s tough to get around the imperialism imagery that comes from the Apocalypse Now influence. 1/2
— Michael Lee (@IamMichaelJLee) September 19, 2023
#TheCreator is a masterpiece of an #AI story. It had me in tears. Watching a film without knowing how it would play out was such a joy. Gareth Edwards shot a beautiful film. John David Washington deserves to be recognized during awards season. Still thinking about it days later
— Jenna Busch-Henderson (@JennaBusch) September 19, 2023
While it appears to take “identifiable inspirations” from past blockbusters, critic Courtney Howard still calls it the “best original sci-fi epics in years”. Its world-building has received the most praise for constructing an immersive world filled with compelling characters.
A few critics weren’t kind in analyzing The Creator movie by pointing out its flaws as well, “shockingly unmemorable Hans Zimmer score. “Nonetheless, its scale and impressive VFX stood out at moments when the story fell short.
It remains to be seen if 20th Century Studios would expand on this original concept. With an estimated production budget of $86M, its domestic total range is predicted to be around $40M-$85M with an opening weekend range of $15M-$24M, a good start for an IP without backing like DUNE. If Disney decides to amp up its quirky marketing in international markets, it is likely to rake up more profits.
Though it pulls from identifiable inspirations, #TheCreator is 1 of the best original sci-fi epics in years. Massively entertaining, enthralling & profound on every level. Gareth Edwards constructs an immersive world & fills it with compelling characters. Absolutely radical.
— Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) September 19, 2023
#TheCreator is a brutal, intense & ambitious sci-fi war epic, w/ a heavy emphasis on war.
Its visuals are absolutely gorgeous in trademark Gareth Edwards style.
John David Washington & Madeleine Yuna Voyles are great together. A unique spin on the lone wolf & cub trope.
— POC Culture (@POCculture) September 19, 2023
#TheCreator is a masterpiece & one of the year's best movies. It hits on so many levels with AI being such a hot topic. Gareth Edwards does a masterful job of keeping the audience engaged every step of the way. Madeleine Yuna Voyles has to be in the conversations for The Oscars
— Joseph Deckelmeier (@joedeckelmeier) September 19, 2023
#TheCreator is a MESMERIZING and MASSIVE leap into a gorgeous new world. Gareth Edwards returns with a tactile and timely take on A.I. that grounds itself in STUNNING visuals and superb performances by John David Washington and Madeleine Yuna Voyles. I need more! @CreatorTheFilm
— Daniel Baptista • The Movie Podcast (@dbapz) September 19, 2023
Story-wise, the first two acts of the film are excellent. Lean, riveting, brimming with emotion. I was invested enough that the tail end of the movie did work, but it’s noticeably rushed and convoluted in comparison. As for how it tackles AI, the film functions quite well…
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) September 19, 2023
#TheCreator is a massive feat for the sci-fi genre and the all-too-rare original blockbuster.
It's the culmination of Gareth Edwards' career so far, and it's the ultimate version of the type of movie he's been making since 2010's 'Monsters.'
More of this, please.
— Brian Davids (@PickYourBrian) September 19, 2023
Gareth Edwards shows that he is BACK and better than ever. #TheCreator is a jaw-dropping, remarkable cinematic experience. A touching story with incredible visuals and a great cast. Definitely one of the best surprises of the year.
Full review coming next week.
— The Hollywood Handle (@hollywoodhandle) September 19, 2023
The Creator movie will grace theaters on September 29.