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The Walking Dead Season Finale Delivers A New Deadpool 2 TV Spot

Screenshot from Deadpool 2 The Trailer/ 20th Century Fox

The Walking Dead Season Finale Delivers A New Deadpool 2 TV Spot

As promised by the filmmakers, a new Deadpool 2 teaser was released during the season finale of the popular AMC series, The Walking Dead. The clip in question teases Deadpool’s life after the events of the first film. Notably, the teaser also informed fans there’s a part two clip on its way that will be aired during the season premiere of Fear the Walking Dead. You can check out the teaser below.

Deadpool’s official social media account had posted a tweet earlier on Sunday with a zombie picture of the Merc With A Mouth making fun of Carl’s death.

Guess who’s making an appearance during tonight’s @amcthewalkingdead finale? Hint: It’s not Carl…” the Twitter post read.

Deadpool 2 is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated films of the year. But, the fact that the finished film has undergone a lot of reshoots and edits has left fans wondering what might be wrong with the Deadpool sequel.

There were rumors that the filmmakers decided to reshoot some Deadpool 2 scenes after the movie tested poorly among audiences. Some rumors suggested that the reshoots were done to add more scenes of Cable and Domino, played by with Josh Brolin and Zazie Beetz respectively.

Actress Brianna Hildebrand, who portrays the character of Negasonic Teenage Warhead in Deadpool 2, finally came forward to put an end to all the test screening rumors.

Hildebrand explained that there was nothing wrong with the test screenings. She added that the reshoots were done to add more scenes to the film that the audiences loved watching and not change or remove things they didn’t. In support of the actress statement, another report confirmed that Deadpool 2 screenings had, in fact, received a higher score than its original movie.

Notably, there’s another new rumor doing round these days that claims that the role of Jack Kesy’s character Black Tom Cassidy has been cut from the film. However, screenwriter Rhett Reese was was quick enough to refute the rumors stating that it was “untrue.”

Deadpool 2 has been directed by David Leitch. The movie features Josh Brolin, Zazie Beetz, and Morena Baccarin in the lead roles. Deadpool 2 will hit theatre screens on May 18, 2018.

Source: Deadpool Movie




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