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Thor: Ragnarok, Tessa Thompson

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Thor: Ragnarok: Tessa Thompson Adds to Her Earlier Comment on Valkyrie’s Bisexuality

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Thor: Ragnarok: Tessa Thompson Adds to Her Earlier Comment on Valkyrie’s Bisexuality

Tessa Thompson, who plays Valkyrie in Thor: Ragnarok had revealed that her character in the new Thor 3 is a bisexual. This makes Valkyrie the first LGBT character in Marvel Studios. However, Thompson has clarified her point in a tweet today.

The LGBT community was excited when Tessa Thompson, in response to a fan’s comment on Twitter on Valkyrie being a lesbian replied, “She’s bi: And yes, she cares very little about what men think of her. What a joy to play!”

Suddenly, the internet was flooded with Valkyrie being hailed as MCU’s first character from the LGBTQ community even though Valkyrie’s sexuality isn’t made clear in Thor: Ragnarok.

Tessa Thompson today, probably feeling the need to clarify her last statement about Valkyrie being a bisexual tweeted, “Val is Bi in the comics & I was faithful to that in her depiction. But her sexuality isn’t explicitly addressed in Thor: Ragnarok.”

The fact that the character’s sexuality is not even addressed in the upcoming Thor film is made clear with another message from a fan who tweeted that there is no mention at all of her being a bisexual or a lesbian in the movie. “Saw the film at the aus premiere, It isn’t addressed AT ALL, she may as well be straight, spectacularly disappointing on @Marvel’s behalf,” tweeted the fan.

The comic book character Valkyrie, created in 1970 was thought of as a bisexual only when she appeared in Fearless Defenders (comic book series) as one of the members of an all-female team in 2013.

In the series, Valkyrie develops a very close bond with archaeologist Annabelle Riggs, thereby hinting that Valkyrie could be bisexual. The character was only seen in relationship with men before Fearless Defenders.

Back in 2015, Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige had said that Marvel fans will get to see an LGBTQ character within the next 10 years. Now, we can’t be sure if he was hinting at Valkyrie or some other character.

The star-cast of Thor: Ragnarok, which has already released in many countries include Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Cate Blanchett as Hela, Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/the Hulk, Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster, Idris Elba as Heimdall, Karl Urban as Skurge, and Anthony Hopkins as Odin.

Check out the first tweet by Tessa Thompson below. The actress later clarifies her stand on her character, and a fan tweeted that there was absolutely no mention of Valkyrie being a bisexual in Thor: Ragnarok:

Source: Tessa Thompson/Twitter




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