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Tomb Raider, Alicia Vikander

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Tomb Raider: New Still Of Alicia Vikander As Lara Croft, Filming Details And More

Tomb Raider: New Still Of Alicia Vikander As Lara Croft, Filming Details And More

Fans finally get their first look at Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft from Tomb Raider. As expected, the actress seems to perfectly sync with the game based character.

If you are one of the many that is still stuck with the image of Angelina Jolie playing the buxom adventurer, then the official photo of Vikander’s Lara Croft might change your mind. Fans can check it out below.

The stills were exclusively shared by GQ. The magazine’s Culture critic Scott Meslow was also able to sit down with Director Roar Uthaug and discuss the movie’s progress.

Uthaug revealed that the film crew just wrapped up the South African part of shooting. Vikander will soon be traveling to London to proceed with the rest of the filming.

Over the years, Vikander has amazed fans by donning challenging characters in movies like Ex Machina and The Danish Girl. Now, the Oscar winner is taking the next step to play as the main lead in a female-centricmovie.

In the past, movies based on game have not been successful in appealing to the critics, fans and have also failed to meet studios expectations in box office earnings. However, that does not seem to stop Vikander or other Oscar winners like Brie Larson (upcoming project to play as Captain Marvel for Marvel studios).

Tomb Raider releases on March 16th, 2018. The film’s synopsis reveals that the main character played by Vikander (Lara Croft) is in search of her Father who goes missing during his search for the ancient Dagger of Xian on an uncharted Chinese island.

What do you think about the new stills of Vikander as Lara Croft? Let me know in the comments below. For more updates on Tomb Raider, follow Pursue News on Facebook. Readers can also follow me on Twitter for latest scoops.




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