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Toys Don’t Contain Spoilers To ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’, Says Director

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Toys Don’t Contain Spoilers To ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’, Says Director

It’s common for merchandises to reveal some interesting plot points from upcoming films. It could be the same case for Star Wars: The Last Jedi as well. But the director of the movie has assured that the upcoming toys don’t contain spoilers.

Earlier today, a fan questioned Director Rian Johnson on Twitter if he would recommend avoiding Star Wars merchandises to avoid any form of spoilers. Here’s what he had to say.

Nah, unless seeing what characters & ships look like count, we were careful to make sure the toys & toy marketing don’t spoil anything,” tweeted Johnson.  Check out the tweet below.

There’s some extent of truth in Johnson’s tweet. Toys usually do contain some exciting reveals with costumes and other character details. But studios make sure that they do not unveil any important factors that act as direct spoilers to the film.

Currently, Warner Bros. is doing the same with Justice League’s Steppenwolf. By far, the studio has managed to not reveal the first clear look at the villain’s face. However, various action figures have given a glimpse at the character’s costume and his facial structure.

In any case, Johnson may also not be in the position to advise fans not to buy Star Wars merchandise. The upcoming series of toys releasing for Star Wars: The Last Jedi are one of its steps in marketing the film.

Advising fans against buying toys would in turn also affect the film’s exposure as well the toy companies including Disney. While the studio might have carefully screened the toys to avoid leaking any plot points, it won’t stop fans or news organizations from speculating with the very little piece of information revealed through the merchandises.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theatres on December 15th this year.

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