Guardians of the Galaxy writer/director James Gunn has an important piece of advice for all those Star Wars fans who seem to have no other work but to heavily criticize films as well as actors involved in the films on social media.
After the release of Rian Johnson’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Star Wars fans took to social media to express their disappointment over the film. They did not stop with just criticizing the film, they went on to bombard the social media accounts of the cast and crew members with negative, and personal attacking comments.
In fact two decades earlier, George Lucas’ Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace and its actors faced the same kind of toxicity from fans even when social media was not pretty much in the scene. Actors Jake Lloyd and Ahmed Best bore the brunt of the film’s failure.
Earlier this week, Ahmed Best, who played Jar Jar Binks in Episode I, took to social media to reveal that the backlash against him from Star Wars fans was so strong that he even considered taking his own life at one point of time.
In response to the revelation, James Gunn tweeted that no Star Wars fans should resort to personally attacking someone if they don’t like their performance in a movie or even if they don’t like the movie as a whole. Criticizing a performance is one thing, but attacking someone personally is another thing.
He advised such unstable fans to seek therapy.
“Star Wars or any movie may be important to you, but it doesn’t belong to you,” Gunn tweeted. “If your self-esteem depends on how good you think the current Star Wars is, or your childhood is ruined because you don’t like something in a movie, GO TO THERAPY.”
You can check out Gunn’s tweets below.
What do you think of Gunn’s response? Let us know in comments below.
People need to chill out.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) July 4, 2018
People responding to this post saying, “Yeah, it wasn’t the actor’s fault! It was the writer’s!” are missing the point. Critique it. Don’t like it. But spewing hate and bile at individuals just doing their best to tell a story, even if the story sucks, is lame. Don’t watch it!
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) July 4, 2018
Star Wars (or any movie) may be important to you, but it doesn’t belong to you. If your self-esteem depends on how good you think the current Star Wars is, or your childhood is ruined because you don’t like something in a movie, GO TO THERAPY.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) July 4, 2018
Source: James Gunn